Article: Salt's approach towards science, sustainability & luxury

Salt's approach towards science, sustainability & luxury
Salt for us in not just another dental hygiene brand next door. It has ensured to guide each of it’s purpose, ingredients and practices towards a goal that nudges its way towards something way more significant i.e a transformative lifestyle. It believes it holds in itself a potential to mould the oral wellness industry into an aura that evermore encourages the self-love involved in taking care of oral wellness.
The science behind Salt
The beauty and regime involved in the process of oral wellness have always been overshadowed by the scientific aspect of it, which is where we wanted to pose as a conscious interruption. As salt, we desire to humble down the gap between the informative and aesthetic facets of oral hygiene.
At Salt, we have made efforts to create a safe space where technology and nature can synonymously coexist with each other in curating an oral regime just for you. Through our products, we not only aspire to provide dental solutions but also elevate the thought, precision and care that goes into them.
Since our practices involve an extended hand from nature we also rightfully believe it is reciprocation. Hence, we made sure that our efforts towards redefinition and recreation be mirrored in the folds of a sustainable presence
While cutting-edge technology serves as our means to create products that are fluoride-free and SLS-free, the modern approach towards sustainable luxury gets reflected in each of our product’s appeal. Thereby, adding a dash of Salt to it.
The sustainability behind Salt
Material Palate
Our endeavours towards luxuriating oral wellness gather finesse only through the wises of nature. We only find it fair to curate a regime which is a humble blend of sustainability, science and purpose.
Our material palate comprises a diverse taste which encourages conscious consumption. The primary packaging is a sculpt directed by the use of glass bottles, the secondary packaging is an effort to despise the use of plastic and the tertiary packaging is the yield of the flora and fauna and their bounty. We ensured to surround its packaging with a thoughtful bubble of sustainability and not wrap, to incorporate inks that are organic and printed and bags that are made of paper or cloth and not plastic.
We believe in investing in the richness of extracts and intermediaries so that one-day sustainability can be synonymously used with sophistication and luxury.
The technology behind Salt
Our technology
While cutting-edge technology is our means to create products as fluoride and SLS-free, the modern approach towards sustainable luxury is reflected in our products, thereby adding a taste to everything we do. Salt ensures a conscious consumption of technology by limiting its interference to enhancing and not canceling the effect of a certain ingredient towards the intended purpose of its use
Our R&D:
Our research and development team is the backbone of our operations and a force of direction for our purpose. As a part of Salt Society, we have always ensured to celebrate the victory of quality research above the ordinary. Through our journey, our R&D team was able to create an effortful blend of oral wellness and sustainable luxury.
Our Product experts
Something which we take pride in as Salt is a society that has been consistently aiming to redefine oral wellness through the beauty that lies within it. Since the time we began to keenly understand what salt must be grounded into, our product experts have extended their hand towards the vast nature’s bounty, the wise of technology and the pleasure of design to curate a medium rather than a product that could make oral beauty represent its true self.
Our dental healthcare experts
Our dental health experts belong to a clique with a pioneering purpose. Dr Viraj and Dr Stuti along with our R&D team have put composed efforts into the formulation and implementation of oral health care for the 21st century. Each product has been a pure labour of precision with an aim to revolutionizerevolutionise the gap between modern-day oral care needs and nature-inherited ingredients. Our experts recognised the challenges associated with oral wellness and added a touch of beauty and appeal to the already existing scientific notion behind dental care.
Our experts promise a luxurious elevation in your daybreak and nighttime regime through this wholehearted curation of oral products.